Why I Give: Jenna Tennyson, Family Promise Mom
Jenna and her children learned about Family Promise at just the right time. They had lost their home and needed a place to stay.
She recalls, “We didn’t have enough money for hotels. So, you get on the city bus and let your kid sleep on your lap. And you stay on the bus as long as possible.”
Family Promise became more than just a shelter for the family.
With Family Promise’s support, Jenna regained stability and secured permanent housing. She also gained an appreciation for the connections Family Promise helped her make along the way. Through Family Promise volunteers, she met people who helped her set some life goals.
Her experience at Family Promise inspired her to create a support network for people in her community who were facing similar struggles.
Jenna started a nonprofit counseling service in 2022, and through it, she has been supporting her local community ever since.
“I couldn’t have done any of this without Family Promise,” she says. “Where I am today is because of Family Promise and its incredibly generous and supportive community.”