Family Promise recently welcomed a new Affiliate, Family Promise of the Big Bend. Formerly known as Big Bend Housing Coalition, the organization will officially adopt its new name on March 9, 2023. Family Promise of Big Bend joins a network of 200 Affiliates backed by national best practices and resources.
“There are so many local nonprofits doing exceptional work preventing and ending homelessness,” said Family Promise Director of Affiliate Expansion Carolyn Gordon. By joining the Family Promise movement, FP Big Bend will benefit from a strong, collaborative national network and have access to funding, program curricula, best practices, and education, as well as the opportunity to share and collaborate with other Affiliates so they can grow their programs and help more families.”
Family Promise is the leading national organization preventing and ending family homelessness, through a comprehensive response – prevention services before families reach crisis, shelter and case management when they become homeless, and stabilization programs once they have secured housing to ensure independence. With more than 30 years’ experience, Family Promise has a proven strategy for creating and developing Affiliates.
Following the pandemic and the worsening housing crisis, Family Promise has seen an increased need for services. Expanding national resources by adding Affiliates to the network will increase impact and help more families and children achieve independence and housing stability.
Family Promise of the Big Bend joins seven other Affiliates that opened in 2022: Family Promise Greater Charlotte Metro (NC), Family Promise of Riverside (CA), Family Promise of San Joaquin County (CA), Family Promise of Escambia County (FL), Family Promise of Metro East (OR), Family Promise of Southern Delaware (DE), and Family Promise of Greater Lorain (OH).
Interested in starting a Family Promise Affiliate? Please contact Family Promise here. Family Promise works to understand the community need and the current resources that exist for children and their families, engages the community through virtual and in-person meetings, and builds local leadership. Family Promise provides extensive technical assistance, materials, and in some cases, access to grants and in-kind donations.
To learn more about Affiliate Development, please contact the Director of Affiliate Expansion, Carolyn Gordon, at 908-273-1100 ext. 148 or