Meet Family Promise’s Summer Intern 

July 18, 2024

Family Promise is proud to partner with Elevate to Even+ , a New Jersey nonprofit dedicated to helping underrepresented college students secure valuable internships that prepare them for future employment. This summer, Jessica Rosada is interning at the Family Promise national office with the Affiliate Services team. We spoke with her about how Elevate to Even+ connected her with Family Promise and how the internship will help kickstart her career. 

What college do you attend and what are you studying? 
I go to Oberlin College in Ohio and am a rising junior majoring in Law & Society and Latin American Studies, with a concentration in Peace & Conflict Studies.   

How did you get connected with Elevate to Even+ and Family Promise? 
I got connected to Elevate+ through my high school, North Star Academy in Newark, NJ. I applied as soon as I saw the various nonprofit internship opportunities in my home state of New Jersey.  During my interview, I realized I wanted to be a part of the work Family Promise is doing, especially since the national office is so close to home. Shortly thereafter, Family Promise offered me the summer internship. 

Why are you passionate about Family Promise’s mission and work? 
I am passionate about the work of Family Promise because I have seen friends, family, and members of my community face the effects of housing insecurity. Growing up in the inner city, the effects of structural racism, poverty, and inaccessible housing were extremely clear to me. Seeing my aunt and mother work in service professions made me passionate about helping others and connecting with them beyond their situation. In my first few weeks with Family Promise, I have witnessed the efforts of my new team members to be inclusive and educational with their work. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such incredible, like-minded folks!  

What do you hope to learn during your time as a Family Promise intern? 
I hope to learn the behind-the-scenes of nonprofit organizations. Working with Affiliate Services, I plan to increase my networking skills, familiarize myself with Microsoft Office, and soak up as much as I can each day. One of the projects I am excited about is creating a pro-bono legal guide for Family Promise Affiliates. This guide will list all pro-bono legal services that are available to Affiliates based on their state and county. As a legal scholar focused on the intersection of systemic oppression and living conditions, this project will allow me to familiarize myself with the types of legal services available to Affiliates and the communities they serve.   

How do you think your time at Family Promise will help you with your future career? 
I believe my time at Family Promise will help with my future career because I would like to go into Social Work and eventually earn my MSW. At Family Promise, I will be able to learn about the work it takes to provide families across the nation with critical services. As a future Latine social worker, I aim to take my lived, educational, and professional experiences to best serve those around me! 

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