Help Raise Awareness About the Crisis of Family Homelessness
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Affordable Housing
Lack of affordable housing is, by far, the primary cause of families becoming homeless. Manufactured housing is an affordable option for low-and moderate-income families. Family Promise’s Partners in Housing program creates a path for families from homelessness to homeownership.
Child Homelessness by State
Nearly half of children served by emergency/transitional housing providers in 2015 were age 5 or younger, critical developmental years for building the foundation for future learning, behavior, and health. This map shows the critical need for resources and services nationwide.
Rising Housing Costs
Permanent, affordable housing is essential for ending homelessness. It is also the platform from which critical services can be accessed. But the average renter’s wage is not keeping up with the national housing wage. Low income families are paying the price in this unrelenting equation–35% of the homeless population in the U.S. is comprised of families with children.
Family Promise Tree
Family Promise addresses family homelessness comprehensively–through prevention, shelter, and stabilization.
How Many Children are Homeless?
Millions of children’s lives in this country are defined by poverty and homelessness.