Members of our Guest Advisory Council attend a line dancing night at the Family Promise National Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
Last week, more than 350 advocates for children and families from Family Promise Affiliates and partners gathered at the Family Promise National Conference just steps from the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. Participants attended workshops on important topics from branding and social media to board relations and micro-entrepreneurship. Check out some of the highlights from the event below.
Conference-goers brushed up on their skills at workshops
Workshops were held throughout the three-day event. One crowd favorite was “A Systems Approach to Transformation: How to Really Reduce Homelessness,” led by board member, Dr. Robert Marbut Jr.
Claas Ehlers shared his vision of the future for Family Promise
During Thursday’s dinner, Family Promise CEO Claas Ehlers shared news from the national office. He reviewed the impact that Family Promise Affiliates are having in communities nationwide: serving more than 100,000 family members in 2018 through prevention, shelter, and stabilization initiatives. Affiliates learned about furthering the reach of Family Promise’s programs and received new logos and other marketing materials as we continue to grow our brand as the national leader addressing family homelessness. View a video of Claas’ speech here.
The northeast earned the title of game night champions
Woodforest National Bank sponsored Thursday’s Game Night, where our regional directors led representatives from their Affiliates through a series of challenges ranging from trivia to building balloon towers. Mariachi Las Coronelas provided the entertainment for the evening.

Game night, sponsored by Woodforest National Bank, was a hit.
Our partners stole the show
Attendees enjoyed presentations from our partners including Sesame Street, Head Start, Help Us Move In, and Schoolhouse Connection. Clayton Homes shared the story of the DePaz family, who received a new home for the holidays through a partnership between Clayton Homes and Family Promise.
StoryCorps and our Guest Advisory Council members shared the importance of storytelling
Fernanda Espinosa, associate manager of Mobile Tour community partnerships at StoryCorps, led a plenary session where Guest Advisory Council members shared the power of telling their stories. Participants were Yusuf Kalule, Sarah Jackson, Hope Johnson, and Kat Lilley.
Woodforest National Bank starred in an upcoming episode of Claas in 60 Seconds
In addition to sponsoring Game Night, premier sponsor Woodforest National Bank led a popular workshop on micro-entrepreneurship. Doug Schaeffer, executive vice president and director of community reinvestment, and Daniel Galindo, CRA strategic initiatives director, starred alongside Claas in an upcoming episode of Claas in 60 Seconds.
Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II gave the keynote address
The conference concluded with an impactful keynote speech by Rev. Dr. William Barber II. Rev. Barber is one of the most well-known social justice advocates and engaging speakers of our times and his passion and commitment embody the revival of the Poor People’s Campaign, the last movement led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The next conference location will be…
Las Vegas was revealed as the location of the next conference by our regional directors and Terry Lindemann, Director of Family Promise of Las Vegas. An Elvis impersonator, who looked a lot like Claas, gave the crowd a laugh with his surprise visit.