At Family Promise, volunteers are the backbone of all of our programs. For more than three decades, volunteers have made meals, provided companionship, read stories, and offered compassion and support. Family Promise offers many exciting opportunities to use your skills for impact through virtual, in-person, and corporate volunteering. For more information on getting involved, visit our volunteer portal.

Volunteer FAQs
How much time do I need to commit?
That depends on how much time you can give and the type of volunteer opportunity that interests you. Evening hosting is just a few hours and is perfect for volunteers with busy schedules. For those with a bit more time, our ‘done in a day’ projects, like gardening at a Day Center and helping at a special event, work well. Whereas volunteering to teach financial literacy and technology skills is best for volunteers who are capable of a longer time commitment.
Can I volunteer once or do I have to make an ongoing commitment?
Family Promise volunteers can have a lasting impact on a family’s life without making a huge time commitment. One-time volunteer opportunities – such as helping at a special event or participating in a supply drive – exist and work well for those with full schedules. There are also plenty of opportunities for volunteers who are available to make a more long-term, regular commitment.
Will I receive volunteer training?
Family Promise wants every volunteer to feel comfortable, so we do offer training. Volunteers directly working with our families are required to go through an orientation. Additional training, tailored to the specific volunteer project, will also be provided.
Can I volunteer with my family?
We offer opportunities for entire families to volunteer. For example, families often enjoy volunteering in the evenings when they can share a meal with the guest families and children can enjoy some play time together.
Are there opportunities to volunteer with my co-workers?
There are opportunities for you to volunteer with a group of colleagues or even with just a single co-worker. When you are matched with an Affiliate, the volunteer coordinator will help you identify a project that works best for your team. For more information on national-level corporate volunteer programs, click here.
What are the hours during which volunteers can help?
Family Promise offers volunteer opportunities during the day, in the evening, and on weekends. Scheduling depends on the type of volunteer activity. For example, volunteers providing homework help will do so in the evenings or on the weekends. And volunteers assisting at our office may do so during regular business hours.
Do you offer virtual volunteer opportunities?
Yes, virtual volunteers are welcome. Virtual volunteers can help with resume and interview assistance, public relations, fundraising, and even some administrative tasks.
Are the projects listed here the only volunteer opportunities?
This website provides an overview of the ways in which you can volunteer your time to help children and families. Once you are connected with one of our Affiliates, you will be able to explore other opportunities to contribute your time and talents.