What’s the Best Gift You’ve Ever Received? | Marcus

December 27, 2019 | Success Stories

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? The best gift Marcus and his family received was the car Family Promise secured for them. Marcus and his parents lived in a motel for six months before finding Family Promise. His parents were employed, but most of their paychecks went to motel …

What’s the Best Gift You’ve Ever Received? | Naomi and Jeremy

December 23, 2019 | Success Stories

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? Naomi and Jeremy’s greatest gift has been their family. When living arrangements fell through unexpectedly after relocating their family to a new state, Naomi, Jeremy, and their children alternated nights between a hotel room and their car. Unable to afford daycare, mom and dad scheduled work shifts so …

Money Moves to Make Before Year’s End

December 20, 2019 | National News

Time-sensitive tips for making the most of your money now and in the new year. As December 31st fast approaches, fourth-quarter financial moves can really pay off for 2020. J.R. Morrison, managing partner at BK Partners, says there are a number of things people can do now to save money …

Greenville Family Achieves Dream of Homeownership with ‘Home for the Holidays’ | Clayton Homes

December 19, 2019 | Press Releases

Family Promise, Clayton® partner to help families thrive Greenville, SC – December 12, 2019 – The Greenville United Ministries’ Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) and Clayton® hosted a ribbon cutting event today, officially donating a new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, off-site built home to Charles and Julie Merritt and their two …

What’s the Best Gift You’ve Ever Given? | Alex

December 17, 2019 | Success Stories

What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? The best gift Alex can give is her life’s journey which she shares with families in crisis. Alex struggled with addiction for years, even losing custody of her infant daughter, before finding Family Promise. Family Promise helped her reunite with her daughter and …

What’s the Best Gift You’ve Ever Given? | Prince

December 11, 2019 | Success Stories

What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? The best gift that twelve-year-old Prince has ever given is the 24 inches of his hair he donated in his sister’s memory. Prince resolved to grow his hair nine years ago when his sister was diagnosed with cancer. During the course of her …

What’s the Best Gift You’ve Ever Received? | Ajaray and David

December 10, 2019 | Success Stories

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? The best gift that Ajaray and her father, David, received was the car that simplified their commutes to school and work during and after their time at Family Promise. Ajaray and her dad found Family Promise when the move into their new home was …

StoryCorps and NPR Feature Family Promise Graduates

December 5, 2019 | Voices of Family Promise

On Friday, November 29, 2019, NPR’s Morning Edition featured a StoryCorps segment that highlighted a conversation between Ashley and Sandy Baker, graduates of Family Promise of Collin County in Allen, Texas. This interview took place as part of a partnership between Family Promise and the StoryCorps Mobile Tour.  When Ashley …

What’s the Best Gift You’ve Ever Received? | Breelynn’s Story

December 5, 2019 | Success Stories

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? Four-year-old Breelynn cherishes the Minnie Mouse doll she received as a gift while in Family Promise’s shelter program. Minnie is her favorite cartoon character. Breelynn and her family were living in a hotel when they found Family Promise. Her Minnie Mouse doll became …

Family Promise CEO Claas Ehlers joins Overlook Medical Center’s Community Advisory Board

November 25, 2019 | Press Releases

Three questions about serving the underserved and health care for the community SUMMIT, NJ – NOVEMBER 2019 – Family Promise CEO Claas Ehlers has been appointed to the Community Advisory Board of Atlantic Health System’s Overlook Medical Center, one of the region’s premier providers of health care and home to …

Family Promise and ROC USA Announce Partnership to Help Families Achieve Homeownership

November 20, 2019 | Press Releases

The organizations will work together to develop programs and awareness efforts SUMMIT, NJ., NOV. 20, 2019 – Family Promise and ROC USA announced an official partnership today. The organizations will work together to develop programs that will create pathways for families experiencing homelessness to achieve homeownership in Resident Owned Communities …

Family Promise and Clayton® Announce ‘A Future Begins at Home’ Partnership to Help Prevent and End Family Homelessness

November 19, 2019 | Press Releases

Organizations kick off housing program and awareness initiatives with home donation for a once homeless, Colorado Springs family Colorado Springs, CO., Nov 19, 2019 – Family Promise, national non-profit, and Clayton, one of the nation’s off-site and on-site home builders, have announced their partnership called A Future Begins at Home. …