A Message from Claas Ehlers

A Message from Claas Ehlers

Dear Friends, As you know, Karen Olson retired as President of Family Promise and I assumed that role this January. It is an honor and a privilege to succeed her. It also sets a very high bar. The high bar is necessary. Karen has created and guided an organization...
Local Partnerships Provide Key Support

Local Partnerships Provide Key Support

One of the features that make Family Promise extraordinary is our ability to reach out into the community and engage a wide range of support for the families we serve. Congregations, corporations, agencies, schools—our Affiliates create a diverse group of stakeholders...

A Pennsylvania Family Builds a New Life

Time was running out for Kristina Lucas and her four children, then ages 2, 5, 10 and 12. The family was staying in a homeless shelter that enforced a 15-day limit. Before that, for a few months, she had lived with family members, who could no longer make room for her...
Karen Olson’s Farewell

Karen Olson’s Farewell

Dear Friends, Goodbyes are never easy, but I retire as President of Family Promise with a heart filled with joy. Joy that, even after all these years, the premise upon which Family Promise was built – that people are compassionate and want to make a difference –...
Fall Fling Draws a Full House

Fall Fling Draws a Full House

Nearly 175 friends and benefactors attended Family Promise’s Fall Fling Cocktail Buffet & Auction November 20 at Canoe Brook Country Club in Summit, New Jersey. It was a celebration of the work being done by Family Promise to help homeless and low-income families,...