From the time he was 13 years old, James* lived with his grandmother, Alice. She dedicated her time to raising and eventually becoming the legal guardian of her grandson. Despite the challenges of raising him on her own, she strived to provide for James and support...
Bringing a newborn home for the first time is a momentous occasion for all moms. But imagine giving birth and being released from the hospital with a baby but no home to return to. That’s the situation countless parents find themselves in every year. And it’s a...
In honor of Black History Month, Family Promise is highlighting our Racial Justice Council members and their efforts to ensure racial equity is addressed at all levels of Family Promise’s work. Nakeshia Hedrick will never forget her kindergarten teacher. She was...
The Family Promise Good Neighbor Award highlights Family Promise Affiliate staff members who are doing exceptional work in their communities. Meet Toyan Sims – a full-time Wichita State University student, mother of three, and advocate for housing-insecure families in...
It goes without saying that homelessness is a stressful situation. Family Promise’s emphasis on trauma-informed care ensures all aspects of the crisis are considered when working with families in need. But families also learn to manage this stress in their own ways....