Family Promise and Help Us Move In (HUMI), a nonprofit “on a mission helping children to escape homelessness by engaging communities in sustainable solutions,” are eager to announce the next stage of their partnership. Six Family Promise Affiliates have...
Belk, the southern department store chain, held its 2021 Charity Day Sale in October, raising $346,685 to support Family Promise Affiliates in their work to address family homelessness. Since 2018, Family Promise’s partnership with Belk has worked to empower families...
Summit, NJ—Family Promise, the nation’s leading nonprofit working to end family homelessness, awarded $5,000 to 35 Family Promise Affiliates to improve technology optimization—including hardware, software, and connectivity. The funding will improve technology...
A partnership focused on preventing families from experiencing homelessness and stabilizing them long-term is changing the future for children in America. Clayton, national builder of off-site and site-built homes, recently donated a new home to Family Promise of...
Summit NJ — Family Promise, the leading national nonprofit addressing family homelessness, and Google, the multi-national technology company, have partnered to provide access to digital training and reskilling through Grow with Google. Google has donated scholarships...